4.2.4 Process Limitations
The entire manufacturing process must be understood to determine whether an adhesive is suitable for an application. While there are numerous benefits to using adhesives, the limitations dictated by the manufacturing process cannot be overlooked. In many cases, these limitations can be overcome with process modification or by using specialty adhesives that have been designed specifically for these challenges.
Common process limitations:
- Assembly exposed to high temperatures during manufacturing (i.e. paint bake cycle)
- Assembly exposed to highly caustic or acidic solutions as part of a cleaning cycle
- Extremely short cycle of assembly and testing
- Overhead or vertical adhesive application
4.2.5 Health and Safety
Health and safety in the manufacture and use of adhesives is extremely important as adhesives can be harmful if handled improperly. Adhesives manufacturers are required to provide accurate health and safety labelling on both the package of the adhesive and the safety data sheet (SDS). An SDS for an adhesive product contains information, including hazard identification, handling and storage recommendations, and exposure controls. The hazard identification of a specific adhesive must be considered in determining whether an adhesive is suitable for an application. Automated or manual dispensing equipment can be used to minimise potential health and safety concerns for operators wherever possible when using adhesive products.
Agency Approvals
Besides internal approvals and test methods used to verify the efficacy of the bonded assembly, external approvals may also be required, particularly in the following categories:
- Medical
- Potable water (for human consumption)
- Foodstuff (direct contact or non-direct contact)
- Fire retardant (direct exposure, flame extinguishing)
These approvals are certified by independent authorised institutes worldwide. Local validity always has to be checked; for example, potable water approvals are typically only valid if certified by local authorities.

Helping you to work more safely
LOCTITE® is improving occupational safety through a reduction in hazardous chemicals in our Instant Adhesives and Accelerators.